Sunday, April 29, 2007

Pride and pain

Many times in our lives we are hurt. Sometimes with this hurt, there comes the feeling that we were used. That we were played if you will. We were used by another for some purpose that we don’t like. What makes us feel this way? What makes us hurt like this? What makes us run? What makes us put up walls?
Many times when we feel that we are played and used, we are speaking out of our pride. We are speaking from a prideful position. We are speaking from a position that focuses on us and places us as the centerpiece. We are saying that our honor and pride was hurt. We don’t like that. As humans, our pride is something that we hold onto greatly. Is that from God though? Does God like us to have lots of pride? Does God want us to focus on us only? Hell NO!!
God wants us to focus on HIM and HIS plan. God does not want us to focus on ourselves. HE needs to be the focus of our lives. When we are hurt and emotionally injured from being played, we are not focusing on God. We are focusing on our feels of loss and our feelings of being used and thus feeling less like a pure human. These feelings are not from God. They are from the evil one. They are from something that wants us to suffer.
Satan wants us to focus on ourselves and our pain. He knows that by doing this, we will not focus on God. If we are focusing on ourselves, he wins. He has us away from God. We are thus called to refocus ourselves. To refocus ourselves onto God. Do we normally do this? Nope! Normally we tend to focus and fester our thoughts. We focus on the bad and not the good. We let Satan win…
Many times when we feel like we have been played or used, it is because we are not able to see the bigger picture. We are still focusing only on ourselves. Sometimes the reason we hurt is because we are not able to see where God needs and wants us to be. God may have us in someone’s life and then that person gone from our lives. We hurt and feel pain because of this. We want something and that is what we focus on. We do not focus on God wanting us to do something. We do not focus on the good. God may have someone in our lives to only teach us something or for us to teach them something. After that, they are gone. We feel hurt and used by this often. But is that not part of God’s plan??
When we hurt, often times we try to hide this pain. We try to fill the void in our lives. We try to cover up the pain with something else. Many times this filling of our void, is not good for us. It is a short-term fix. It does not answer the deeper problem. It does not answer why we hurt. We hurt because of our longings and them not being fulfilled. When we are hurting, we need to focus our attentions towards Heaven. We do not need to focus our attentions inward. God will bring us through all the pain that we have, if we allow HIM!
Sometimes we decide that the best way to deal with our pain is to hide it. We hide our pain and feelings of longing, being used, etc. behind walls. We build up walls around our emotions because we are unable to bear our pain. We hold onto our emotions and hurt. We refuse to let go and let God. This is the worst thing for us to get over our pain. It helps in the short run, but is horrible for the long run. We run from our pains and thus never face them. When they suddenly appear down the road in life, we freak again. God wants us to take the suffering, offer it up, and move through our emotions.
Our pain is caused by not listening to God and heeding HIS plan. It is caused by saying I’m more important than you to God. This is not a good way to live our lives…

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