Sunday, April 29, 2007

Feelings of loneliness

Often in life we feel like we are horribly alone. We feel like there is no one who cares. We feel that there is nothing in this world for us. We feel empty inside. We feel total abandonment. Why do we feel alone? Are we ever truly alone? Are we ever abandoned? NO!!!! God is always there. With God is also, Jesus, Mary, all the angels, and the Saints. So many Heavenly creatures and souls are there praying for us all the days of our life. With all these prayers how can we feel alone?
Our loneliness usually comes from something missing. This something could be a loved one passing away, physically not being there with those you love, or a great many other things and events in our lives. We feel alone, because we are not able to separate ourselves from this world and look at our lives in God’s time. We fail to recognize all the good in our lives. We focus on one thing missing and not the millions of graces we are given everyday.
God blesses us in sooo many ways. I mean just the fact that we wake up each day is a blessing. HE decides to give us life and a soul. These are the greatest gifts we will ever receive. Do we thank HIM for this? Not really. Normally we are saying “hey bud I want…” We do not take time to realize all of his blessings. This is what causes us to be alone. God has a plan for us. We need to answer HIS plan in HIS time, not ours. We want it our way and not HIS way. We seem to think that we have a better idea of what should be going on in our lives.
Often times we feel that God is not there for us. We feel like our Creator has abandoned us. We feel like God has left us to our own demise. We feel like HE has said so long to us all. This is horribly not the case. We have forgotten that our God does not forget us. HE remembers us always. HE remembers us even if a mother forgets her child. Our God is a loving God that wants us to be happy and peaceful. He hates to see us hurt. He hates to see us alone.
Our longings are not met when we are alone. We have a longing to be with someone. To hear them on the phone, see their faces, etc. When we are alone, we focus on this. We focus on what we do not have. We forget all the good things we do have. When we are alone. we focus on what we desire and not on what God desires for us. Many times our longings and God’s match up. When we long to be with someone, often our friendships and desires are those of God. The only difference is when these desires are fulfilled. ..

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